• Our Mission: Marriages.



    God is redeeming marriages. Why not start with yours?

    Our Mission

    The mission of the Marriage Center is to partner with Christian couples and the Church to provide Christian marital and premarital counseling in accordance with sound biblical principles and integrate these principles with evidence-based techniques. This model is designed to help husbands and wives establish a solid foundation on which to build a loving and unified marriage. Couples learn about their unique roles and responsibilities, how to apply those roles in the marital relationship, how to live with one another in an understanding way, and how to resolve conflict in a manner that produces lasting change – all to the glory of God!

    “Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate.” – Mark 10:9

    God created marriage and defined it as one man and one woman in a covenant relationship designed to fulfill His purpose and further His kingdom here on earth.  For this reason, we are passionate about the integrity of the marital relationship.  We believe that it is impossible for husbands and wives to experience true oneness and the intimacy that God designed for them without Him being at the very heart and center of their relationship.  Our approach to counseling is marriage-focused and Christ-centered.  We counsel couples to apply sound biblical principles integrated with evidence-based techniques, and we help them eliminate obstacles and overcome challenges they are facing.  Our clients replace unhealthy behaviors with Christ-like and God-honoring behaviors that produce lasting change.  They end up functioning as a unified team, accomplishing their purposes, individually and as a couple, and experiencing true love, joy, and unity.

    Meet Our Team

    Ministry Opportunities


    Workshops are offered throughout the year, and focus on the most problematic issues that couples face.


    Together we'll work to strengthen and rebuild Christian marriages and families through the application of effective therapeutic strategies, God's word, faith, and prayer.


    Read our client testimonials of restored love and hope, and be inspired. It can be your story, too.

    Don't Wait to Get the Help You Need