We Make an Impact
Read What Our Couples are Saying
“Going through Foundation Building with Arlene is what saved my marriage…”
It was the first time in 21 years of marriage that I truly understood my role as a wife. I began to understand how to truly respect my husband and communicate with him effectively. During counseling I forgave him and started on the road to trusting him again. It has been a lot of hard work but with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Arlene and the workbook we have seen a transformation in our marriage. Thank you Arlene for helping us save our very badly broken marriage. ” – T.A.
“Our experience with Arlene transformed our relationship.”
It was powerful to see our bricks (issues of concern) disappear as we grew and matured. Premarital counseling was worth every moment because it prepared us for marriage. We got married about two weeks after completing our sessions and I know we have the tools we need to have a lasting marriage.” – S.C. & J.C.
“Arlene, I want to thank you for the way you counseled us.”
My husband has never been open to anyone like he is with you. The way you counsel people you do it with such a genuine heart and a softness that anyone would open up and talk to you… I thank God for you being a part of our life.” – M.N.
“This program has been life changing for our relationship and we will never forget it!”
“My fiancé and I met and dated for 2 1/2 years before getting engaged. Within our relationship, we had a lot of ups and downs early on. We both loved the Lord and loved each other, but it seemed as though our differences were constantly tearing us apart. We came from family backgrounds that were loving but different in so many ways. We both brought many differences and points of view into our relationship. We argued frequently for months at a time. A month into our engagement, we knew we needed help- or this relationship was going to die. My fiancé set up an appointment with Arlene, and we began our premarital session using the biblical model of the Foundation Building curriculum.
The first few weeks were hard. We felt like we were digging up a lot of hurt and going no where. We were having a hard time getting past this big wall that we had put up in our relationship. Arlene encouraged us through scripture, weekly homework, and the curriculum to view our differences as strengths. She gave us godly advice on real life situations. By the end of these sessions, our relationship was stronger and closer than ever. God had restored and saved our relationship through Foundation Building and using Arlene. We completed our counseling a few months ago. We now have a better understanding and appreciation for each other. We rarely argue- if we do, we know how to end it quickly and without hurting each other in the process. This program has been life changing for our relationship and we will never forget it!” – K.W.
“An amazing experience… Arlene gave us a spiritual perspective on the roles of husband and wife.”
“My wife and I have been married for five years. For the longest we had fell into a rough patch on how to speak to each other and deal with our blended family. My wife sought out help and we began to meet with Arlene. It was an amazing experience where Arlene gave us a spiritual perspective on the roles of a husband and wife. She never made me feel outnumbered as the only man in the room, instead she taught us, me especially, how to effectively listen to each other and created a safe space to be honest in which brought us closer together. Thank you, Arlene, for stabilizing our foundation.” – BJ
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